China to introduce regulations for programs intended for underage audiences


BEIJING -- Programs for people under the age of 18 should not lead them to talk about fame, wealth or love, said a regulation released by the National Radio and Television Administration Wednesday.

The programs are also prohibited from recognizing or approving romantic relationships involving underage individuals.

According to a spokesperson of the administration, some radio, television and Internet audiovisual programs for the underage in recent years have shifted towards a commercialized, mature and over-entertaining trend, causing significant social concerns.

The regulations mandated a guarantee of safety plus sufficient time for study and rest for underage people involved in the programs.

"The costumes and performances should also conform to characteristics of the age and the time," said the regulation.

It also forbids using people younger than 10 years old to serve as advertising spokespersons. Advertisements should not exceed 12 minutes per hour for radio and television programs intended for underage audiences.

The regulation will take effect from April 30.

Source: China Daily, at: