Commercial Law (Vol. 2): Studies in Futures Legislation


Chen Jie et. al. (eds.), Commercial Law Vol. 2: Studies in Futures Legislation, Beijing: Law Press China, 2018

The futures market in China, which began with the introduction of the futures trading mechanism into the Grain Wholesale Market of Zhengzhou City in 1990, has undergone three stages of development: the stage of initial exploration, the stage of clean-up and rectification, and the stage of standardized development after the implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Futures Trading in 2007. However, the current situation of absence of a Futures Law is apparently not conducive to the long-term healthy development of the futures market in China. Now that the Futures Law has been listed as a category II item in the Legislation Plan of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, the adoption of the law can be expected soon. This book, which contains a collection of articles on such hot issues in the field futures legislation as the boundaries and linkages between the scope of adjustment of futures law and that of securities law, the criteria for the identification of futures, the futures contract listing system, civil compensation for the manipulation of futures market, and cross-border cooperation in the regulation of futures market, is aimed at promoting the futures legislation and drawing the attention of commercial law circle to the development of the rule of law in the futures market in China and encourage them to support this development.