Professor Zhang Wenguang Attends the 2018 Guangzhou Maritime Law Forum


The 2018 Guangzhou Maritime Law Forum, jointly sponsored by Guangzhou Maritime Judges’ Association, Guangdong Lawyers’ Association, Guangzhou Lawyers’ Association, and the Maritime Lawyers’ Committee of China Lawyers’ Association was held in Guangzhou City on November 4, 2018. The forum was organized with the guidance by the Guangzhou Baseof Maritime Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the support by the Bureau of Justiceof Guangzhou City and aimed at promoting the establishment of a high-standard pilot free trade zone and a gateway of opening to the outside world in Guangdong Province. It was attended by over 300 representatives from enterprises, universities, research institutions and law firms throughout the country, includingProfessor Zhang Wenguang, an associate research fellow at CASS Institute of International Law, whogave a keynote speech on “several issues relating to the revision of the Chinese Maritime Law” at the forum.