Chen Zexian


      Chen Zexian, male, a native of Gutian County, Fujian Province. Director of CASS Institute of International Law; deputy director of CASS Centre for Human Rights Studies; person in charge of key disciplines in criminal law science of CASS; professor and Ph.D. supervisor, CASS Graduate School; council member, China Law Society; consultant, Beijing Law Society; vice chairman, Criminal Law Research Committee of China Law Society; member of executive council, China Society of International Law; vice chairman, Chinese Branch of International Association of Penal Law; member of Expert Advisory Committee of Supreme People's Procuratorate.

      Education and Work Experience

July 1982, graduated from, Law Faculty of Southwest University of Political Science and Law; August 1982-now: research fellow, CASS Law Institute and CASS Institute of International Law;

August 1987-August 1988: visiting scholar, UC Berkeley;

1994-1997: member of the Criminal Law Revision Group, Commission of Legislative Affairs of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;

1996: receiver of special allowance for expert with outstanding contribution, issued by the State Council;

Sept.1999-Sept. 2000 Vice-President, the People's Procuratorate of Western District of Beijing Municipality;

Sept. 2000-Sept. 2001 Fulbright Research Fellow, Colombian University and Yale University;

      Research Areas

Criminal Law, international law. Key research areas: Chinese criminal law, economic criminal law, international criminal law, international human rights law

      Main Publications


UN Convention against Corruption and the Improvement of China's Criminal Legal System (2010);

Contemporary Chinese Law (2009);

Ratification and Implementation of ICCPR (2008);

Definition of Crime and the Rule of Criminal Law (2008);

Defence in Capital Cases (2006);

Exploration on the Rule of Criminal Law (2003);

New Theory of Economic Criminal Law (2001);

Determination and Punishment of Unit Crimes in the New Criminal Law (1997);

Countermeasures against Drug-related Crimes (1992);

Introduction to the Criminal Law (1985);


The Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for Specific Crimes: Legislative Defects and Judicial Misunderstandings (2006);

Ratification of the ICCPR and Challenges Faced by the Reform of the Chinese Criminal Legal System (2005);

The System of Sheltering and Rehabilitation and Its Reform (2004);

Nature of the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (2003);

Restricted Application of the Death Penalty (2002); Judicial Independence and Supervision over Power (2001);

The System of Rehabilitation-through-Labour and Its Reform (2000);

Reform of the Judicial System and Prevention and Punishment of Judicial Corruption (1998);

The Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specific Crime in the Revision of the Criminal Law (1996);

Development of the Criminal Legal System and the Protection of Civil Rights (1995);

Principle of Criminal Law Regulation of the Market Economy (1994);

Basic Principle of Comprehensive Treatment of Social Security Issues (1992);

Legislative Principle for the Criminalization of Economic Violations of Law (1989).

      Telephone: 010-64070103
