Dai Ruijun


CV of DAI Ruijun

Ms. DAI Ruijun,

  Associate professor, International Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

  Research fellow, Center for Gender and Law Studies of Law Institute of CASS.

  Ph.D in International Human Law

Contact Information

  Add: 15 Shatan Beijie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100720

  Tel: 86-10-64010742

  E-mail: dairuijun@cass.org.cn

Research interests

  The main research sectors of Dr. Dai are international law and human rights law, especially relationship between international law and municipal law, the Monitoring mechanisms of international human rights law; impact of international human rights treaties on Domestic level; women's human rights, domestic implementation of CEDAW in China, etc.

Education Background

  1999-2003, Bachelor Degree of Law, Beijing Jiaotong University.

  2003-2006, Master Degree of International Law, Graduate School of CASS.

  2006 -2009, Ph.D in International Human Rights Law, Graduate School of CASS.

  2007-2008, Visiting Scholar at Law School of Columbia University, New York, USA

Main Experiences

  2014, Participated the IX World Congress on Constitution Law in Oslo, Norway; made a presentation on Workshop 6 "Constitutional Challenges to Immigration".

  2012, Participated lunch meeting with the UN CEDAW Committee, co-presented with Prof. Tom Zwart on "Receptor Approach of Human Rights" in Geneva, Switzerland.

  2012, Made a Keynote Speech on "Domestic Implementation of CEDAW in China" at the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research.

  2012, Participated drafting the National Report of China submitted to UPR under UN Human Rights Council.

  2010-2012, Participated drafting the Shadow Report to China's 7th and 8th combined national report under UN CEDAW Convention.

  2010, Participated drafting the National Report of China under Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Child on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict submitted to UN CRC Committee.

  2009, Participated drafting China's 3rd and 4th combined national report submitted to UN CRC Committee.

  2009, Participated 20th China-Euro Human Rights Seminar in Spain, reporting on the plenary on behalf of workshop.

  2008, Participated 19th China-Euro Human Rights Seminar, reporting on the plenary on behalf of workshop.

  2008, Participated the Roundtable of IACL on "International Law and National Constitutions in the Jurisprudence of Constitutional Courts" in Andorra.

  2007, Participated the International Symposium on "International Perspective on Gender Equality and Social Diversity" in Sendai, Japan.

  2007, Participated the VII World Congress of Constitutional Law in Athens, Greece.

  2006, Research fellow in International Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Latest Publications

  1.Who Pay the Bills for Women's Housework: A Human Rights Perspective, in Mo Jihong ed., Study on the Worldwide Constitutional Law (Vol. IV), China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2014.

  2.Rights of Non-Citizens: form International Law to Constitutions, in Mo Jihong ed., Study on the Worldwide Constitutional Law (Vol. IV), China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2014.

  3.Domestic Implementation of International Human Rights Treaties: Worldwide Perspective, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013.

  4.Strengthening UN Human Rights Treaty Body System: Newest Development of UN Human Rights Protection System, in Global Law Review, No. 6, 2013.

  5.Conclusion and Application of International Treaties in Special Administrative Regions of China, in Forum on Basic Laws of Hong Kong and Macro, Vol. 2, 2013.

  6.International Monitoring Mechanisms for Women's Social Rights, in Li Xixia ed., Protection of Women's Social Rights: from international and domestic law perspectives, Social Sciences Academic Press, May 2013.

  7.Sovereignty, Human Rights and China: from the Perspective of UN Human Rights Protection Mechanism and Its Reform, in Chinese International Law Review, Vol.7, Social Sciences Academic Press, December 2012.

  8.It Premature to Establish Dual-Nationality System in China, in Globe, No.17, 2012.

  9.Impact of international human rights treaties on fundamental rights system, in Mo Jihong ed., Study on Worldwide Constitutional Laws, Vol.2, China Global Cultural Publishing House, November 2010.

  10.Reform of the Monitoring Mechanism for UN Human Rights Treaties, in Law Science Magazine, No.3, 2009

  11.Application of ICCPR in US Federal Courts, in Legal Science, No.2, 2009.

  12.Impact of International Human Rights Treaties on National Human Rights Protection System, Dissertation for Ph. D degree, accomplished in 2009.

  13.Recent Development of Human Rights Law, Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2008, co-author.

  14.Domestic Implementation of Human Rights Treaties, in Mo Jihong ed., Human Rights Protection Law and China, Law Press, 2008.

  15.Promoting Domestic Implementation of CEDAW in China, in Worldwide Constitutional Law Studies, Vol.1, Qunzhong Press, 2007

  16."Universal Periodic Review" of Human Rights, in Studies Times, Vol.467, 2008.

  17.Domestic Implementation of Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Dissertation for Master Degree, accomplished in 2006.

  18.Pondering on Dual-Nationality Issues, in Study Times, Vol. 324, 2006.

Main Research Programs

  2014, Presides National Social Sciences Program "Status and Legal Regulation of International Treaties in Chinese Legal System".

  2010, Presided the Program on "Power of Foreign Affairs of Special Administrative Regions of China".

  2010, Presided Key Program of CASS "Domestic Application of International Human Rights Treaties".

  2009, took part in Law Institute program "60 Years Development of International Law in China"

  2008, took part in Law Institute program "Recent Development of Human Rights Law"

  2007-2009, took part in Grand Program of CASS "Current Situation of Contemporary International law and Its Development"

  2007, Presided Program of CASS for Young Researcher "Relationship between International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law"

  2006, took part in law institute program "Recent Development of Public International Law"