Professor Sun Xianzhong: Upholding the Dignity of Heroes and Martyrs with Law


On May 1, 2019, the first anniversary of the promulgation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, Professor Zhu Xianzhong, a member of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress, a member of the CASS Academic Committee and a research fellow at CASS Law Institute, was interviewed by magazine People’s Weekly on the implementation of the law. Professor Sun, who had participated in the whole process of drafting and adoption of the law, expressed the following views in the interview: the legislative intention of the law is to uphold the noble spirit of sacrifice for the Chinese nation, and it is not advisable to attach excessive importance to the distinction between concept of hero and that of martyr; compared to ordinary civil lawsuits arising from the infringement of the right of reputation, the public interest litigation initiated for the protection of the reputation of heroes and martyrs is more conducive to embodying the important value of upholding the dignity of heroes and martyrs and carrying forward the national spirit of patriotism. The Law attaches more importance to the investigation of compound responsibility, namely multiple responsibilities.