Journal of Cyber and Information Law


Zhou Hanhua (ed.), Journal of Cyber and Information Law, No.1, 2017, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2017, ISBN978-7-5203-0108-4.

The Journal of Cyber and Information Law is the official publication of Cyber and Information Law Research Committee of China Law Society, which is the core and backbone of cyber and information law research in China. The journal, which consists of five parts: Theoretical Frontier, Articles, Comparative Research, Case Study and Latest Development, introduces the results of forward-looking and innovative theoretical researches in the field of cyber and information law both in China and abroad, thereby guiding, promoting and servicing the development of cyber and information law in China. This issue of the Journal consists of the following eighteen articles: On the Internet Law (Zhou Hanhua); on the Regulatory Regime of Cyberspace in China: Between Government Regulation and Self-regulation (Li Honglei); Legal Imagination of Artificial Intelligence (Hu Ling); On the Judicial Definition of the Crime of Refusing to Perform Obligations for Information Network Security Management (Wang Wenhua); The Way to Rule of Law in Global Governance of the Internet (Zhi Zhenfeng); Disruptive Innovation Theory and Reform in Network Economy Regulation (Zhang Xiaoyu); The Organization, Effects and Regulation of Internet-based Taxicabs (Xiong Bingwan); Cyber Sovereignty in the Domain Name System (Liu Han); Study of Trademark Infringement in Key Words Promotion—Specially Focusing on Key Words Promoter’s Obligation (Yao Zhiwei and Shen Kai); Proposals for the Implementation of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection in China (Liu Jinrui); The Thinking Patterns and Regulatory methods of Private Copying in Digital Network Environment (Zhang Peng); From WTO to eWTO: the Digital Governance of Multilateral Trade Rules (Sun Nanxiang); New Approaches to Personal Data Protection in a World of Big Data (Fan Wei); Protection of Security of Computer Information System under Anti-unfair Competition Law (Dong Dudu); Determination of the Legal Principle Issues of National Cyber Security Review System (Ma Ning); The Research on Obligation of Personal Information Protection of Search Engine-centered Right to Be Forgotten (Liao Lei); Study on Internet Ad Blocking Issue from the Perspective of Comparative Law (Yang Le and Meng Xiangdong); Study on the First Judgment of Car-bailing Case in China (Wang Jing); Latest Development of Chinese Online Food Legislation (Xiao Pinghui and Luo Jie).