Liu Zuoxiang


      Liu Zuoxiang, born on 16 September 1956, a native of Pingliang City, Gansu Province; Bachelor of Law (1983) and LL.M (1987), Northwest University of Political Science and Law; Ph.D. in Law, CASS Graduate School (1998); Professor and supervisor of Master's students, Northwest University of Political Science and Law and Editor-in-Chief of Legal Science (1995-2000); research fellow, professor and doctoral supervisor, member of Academic Committee, and member of Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Law, CASS Law Institute (since 2000); leader of CASS-level Special Discipline 'Sociology of Law'; 'State-Level Middle-aged and Young Expert with Outstanding Contributions' awarded by the Ministry of Personnel (1996); Expert Enjoying Special Government Allowance (since 1997); candidate for the first and second levels of National Key Talents Project (1995/1996); 'Senior Expert Directly Contacted by the Central Party Committee, recommended by CASS and selected by Propaganda Department of Communist Party of China (2004); one of the first batch of 'famous jurist in contemporary China'; vice-chairman, Research Committee on Jurisprudence of China Law Society; member of Executive Council, China Society of Confucianism and Legal Culture; member of Executive Council, Research Association on the Legal Thoughts of Dong Biwu; Vice-Chairman, Research Committee on Jurisprudence, Beijing Law Society; expert consultant on legislation, Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Beijing Municipality; consultant, the Intermediate People's Court of Dongying City, Shangdong Province; member of Consultation Committee, the Intermediate People's Court of Langfang City, Hebei Province; expert consultant, the People's Court of Rongchang County, Chongqing Municipality; member of Committee on Judicial Reform, China Association of Adjudicative Theory; academic consultant, 'Research Center on Pluralistic Dispute Resolution Mechanism', Law School of Renmin University of China; part-time or guest professor, Jin Lin University, Jishou University, Law School of Huaqiao University, Zhejiang Police Academy, Jiangsu University, Shanghai Normal University, Faculty of Sociology, Huadong University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, and Gansu College of Political Science and Law; Advisor on the construction of Teaching Team of Legal Theory, Jilin University.

      Main Research Areas

Jurisprudence; legal culture; sociology of law, democracy and the rule of law; issues relating to the development of legal sciences. His research results have won over 30 academic awards, including over 10 provincial- and ministerial-level awards.

      Main Academic Achievements

Professor Liu Zuoxiang has led and completed over 10 research projects, including 'Governance Capacity Building and Governance in Accordance with Law'-a National Social Science Key Project, 'Research on Case Guidance System in China'-a key project of the Supreme People's Court, and 'Prevention of Colony Incidents'-a project sponsored by China Law Society, and 'Conflicts of Rights in the Process of Construction of the Rule of Law and Their Resolution in China'-a CASS Key Research Project.

Since 1985, Professor Liu has published over 210 papers in such academic journals as Chinese Journal of Law, China Legal Science, Qiushi, Law Science Maganzine, Science of Law, Legal Science, Legal Daily, and Procuratorate Daily;

Professor Liu has published seven academic books, including:

Theory of Legal Culture, Commercial Press, 1999;

A Country Moving Towards Democracy and the Rule of Law, Shangdong People's Publishing House, 1999;

Judicial Issues within the Perview of Jurisprudence, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2003;

Road to the Rule of Law: Research Project Report (2001-2006), Shangdong People's Publishing House, 2008;

Selected Works of Liu Zuoxiang, Xiangtan University Press, 2008;

Law on Fairness, editor-in-chief, Northwest University Press, 1995;

Multi-Dimensional Jurisprudence, editor-in-chief, Peking University Press, 2006;

Jurisprudence (textbook for master's students), editor-in-chief, Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House, 2005;

Collection of Papers by Post-Doctoral Legal Researchers of CASS (vol.1), editor-in-chief, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2004;

Research on the Legal Theory of 'Building a Party Serving the Interests of the People and Exercising the State Power in the Interest of the People', editor-in-chief, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2005;

Besides, Professor Liu has participated in the writing and editing of over 60 other monographs, textbooks, references books and collection of papers.