XIE Zengyi

XIE Zengyi, LLM (Renmin), PHD (Tsinghua), is an associate professor in the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; he is also the Director of Department of Research Coordination and International Cooperation of this Institute.

Prof. Xie's major research area is labor law, social security law and commercial law. He is the Deputy Secretary General of China Labor and Social Law Association, and a part-time arbitrator in Beijing Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission.

Prof. Xie is the author of two books: Conflict of Interests in Demutualized Stock Exchanges (2007), and Rethinking China's Labor Law, a Comparative Approach (2011). He has also published over 30 articles on labor law, social security law and commercial law in the key journals including the top legal journals in China, like Chinese Journal of Law, Chinese Legal Science.

He was a visiting scholar in Oxford (2006), Columbia (2007) and Harvard (2007).

Email: xiezengyi@cass.org.cn